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Health and Safety

It is the philosophy of Gregg Builders that good occupational Health and Safety performance is an integral part of effective business management.

Gregg Builders is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and healthy environment on all its building sites and complying with the relevant legislation, regulations, and codes of practice.

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1. Policy Statement

Gregg Builders Ltd will take all practicable steps to:

  • Provide a safe place of work, safe equipment, and proper materials
  • Establish and insist that safe work methods are practiced at all times
  • Provide regular supervision, induction, and training
  • Ensure all staff understand and accept their responsibility to promote and maintain a safe and healthy place of work
  • Ensure all contractors who work on Gregg Builders Ltd sites have a suitable and approved Health and Safety programme

Employees and contractors are expected to contribute to creating safe work sites by practicing safe work methods, ensuring personal protection equipment (PPE) is used, and reporting any unsafe work conditions or equipment to Gregg Builders Ltd Site Supervisors immediately.

2. Hazard Identification

Hazard Identification is a major component of Gregg Builders Ltd’s Health and Safety Programme. The company will use regular physical inspections to identify hazards on its work sites, using:

Task Analysis – An overview of tasks performed in each job, observing the actions of employees and contractors.
All hazards involved will be identified.

Accident and Incident Investigation – All accidents and reported near misses will be investigated. All employees and subcontractors are made aware of their responsibility to participate in this process.

3. Hazard Management

Once hazards have been identified they will be assessed using the required method of:

Eliminate – Can it be eliminated?

Isolate – If not can it be isolated?

Minimise – If not how can it be minimised?

If the hazard is a potential cause of injury or serious harm or has delayed or cumulative effects, then it will be classified as a significant hazard and will be controlled. The appropriate action to manage each of the significant hazards will be determined and implemented on site.

The hazard and the management steps/actions will be written on the site hazard board that is displayed at each entrance to the work site. The Site Supervisor who is managing each site will be responsible for keeping the hazard board updated and ensure that the hazard management steps are carried out.

4. Training and Induction

Gregg Builders Ltd will ensure all employees are either sufficiently experienced to do their work safely or are supervised by an experienced person. Employees will be trained in the safe use of equipment, including PPE. The company will provide a set of training and induction cards on each individual worksite to enable new employees and contractors to be inducted and existing employees and contractors to participate in regular safety training.

The Induction Booklet will be provided to and explained to any new employee, contractor, or visitor prior to them entering the work site for the first time.

The training cards will be used at the specified stages of the building process and all employees and contractors working on the site will be required to participate in the training sessions.

5. Site Specific Safety Plan

Gregg Builders Ltd will provide site specific safety plans for all individual building contracts.

The site specific plan outlines the following:

  • Contact details for the site supervisor responsible for the work site.
  • The individual responsibilities of the site supervisor, employees and contractors on that particular contract. The hazard identification and management process to be used on the work site.
  • How the Health & Safety Programme outlined in this policy and plan will be implemented on each individual contract undertaken by Gregg Builders Ltd.

6. Recording and Reporting Process

Gregg Builders Ltd will ensure that there are a suitable recording and reporting process in place on each of its work sites. This will include a process for each of the following areas:

Injury Recording and Reporting – The forms for recording and reporting serious harm injuries will be available on each individual work site. All serious harm injuries will be reported to the Department of Labour within the required timeframe. Minor injuries and near misses that are reported will be recorded by the Site Supervisor and discussed at the next safety meeting. All injuries and near misses will be reported to Gregg Builders Ltd.

Emergency Procedures – An emergency procedure form will be displayed on each work site. All employees and contractors will be advised of the location of this form as part of the site induction.

Notifiable Work – Gregg Builders Ltd will ensure all notifiable work is reported to the Department of Labour on the appropriate form within the required timeframe.

7. Safe Plant and Equipment

Gregg Builders Ltd will ensure that all plant and equipment supplied to employees and/or contractors is of the required standard and is in good working order with all safety mechanisms working and intact.

Employees and/or contractors will be made aware of their obligation to regularly inspect plant and equipment and immediately report any damage or fault to Gregg Builders Ltd.

Gregg Builders Ltd will provide their employees with suitable personal protection equipment (PPE) for the tasks they are undertaking and ensure they have been trained in the correct use and maintenance of such equipment.

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